Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Enabling Scan to Linux FTP

This document provides a procedure to configure scanning to Linux via FTP. Your
Xerox multifunction device must have the Network Scanning software option enabled to
follow this procedure.
To configure scanning to Linux via FTP, follow the steps below. The sections that
follow explain these steps in detail.
1. Create a new user account.
2. Create a scanning repository.
3. Assign permissions to selected accounts.
4. Test the FTP connection.
5. Configure the Xerox device.
6. Scan a test page.
Create a New User Account
When a document is scanned, the Xerox device uses a user account on the scan
server to log into the Linux scan repository. After a successful logon, it files the jobs in
the appropriate folder on the scan server. Follow these steps to create the user
account for the Xerox device.
1. Obtain root access to the Linux server you use as the repository. Either:
• Log in to the server with root access.
• Type su and enter the root password.
2. At the Linux prompt, type useradd .
3. Type passwd .
4. Enter a password and verify it when prompted. The password must have at least
six characters.
Xerox Multifunction Devices
Customer Tips
… for the user
June 10, 2003
This document applies
to these Xerox
X WC Color 40/32
X WC Pro 90/75/65
X WC Pro 55/45/35
WC Basic 55/45/35
X DC 555/545/535
X DC 490/480/470/460
X DC 440/432/425/420
X DC 340/332
X DC 265/255/240
X DC 230/220
Page 2 Customer Service
Create a Scanning Repository
1. Once again, either:
• Log in to the server with root access.
• Type su and enter the root password.
2. Type cd / to return to the root directory.
3. Type cd home/.
4. To create a new directory to which scanned documents are added, type
mkdir .
5. Type ifconfig and make a note of the IP address.
Assign Permissions to Selected Account(s)
The steps in this section give the user created in “Create a New User Account” full
ownership (read and write access) of the directory created in “Create a Scanning
1. Log in as root.
2. To return to the root directory, type cd /. Type cd home/ to get to
the Xerox device’s home directory.
3. To view the owner and privileges for the scan repository in the user’s home
directory, type ls –l.
4. Type chown to assign ownership of the scan
directory to the user account you specify.
5. Type ls -l to redisplay the owner and privileges for each directory and file in the
root directory. Verify the user account you specified is now the owner of the scan
directory. The result of such a session is shown in the example below.
[anurkhet@chapeau anurkhet]$ ls -l
total 1673
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 477 Feb 16 11:41 Xrootenv.0
-rwxrwxr-x 1 anurkhet anurkhet 15931 Feb 4 18:07 ato
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 43222 Feb 16 11:47 chewy.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 517458 Feb 16 11:47 chewy:2.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 569 Feb 16 11:47 chewy:2.1.rcv
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 589 Feb 16 11:47 chewy:2.rcv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 280 Feb 4 18:06 demo.cpp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 1182 Feb 4 18:24 employee.cpp
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 94818 Feb 17 10:52 log.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 3854 Dec 10 15:21 ps_lakes
drwxrwxr-x 2 anurkhet anurkhet 1024 Feb 22 09:57 scan
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 1239 Dec 9 18:21 test_printcap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anurkhet anurkhet 0 Feb 22 09:59 typescript
-rwxrwxr-x 1 anurkhet anurkhet 4589 Feb 4 18:24 wage
[anurkhet@chapeau anurkhet]$
The user account, scan directory, and access privileges are now configured at the
Linux scan repository.
Testing the FTP Connection
To test the FTP connection, perform the following steps at a workstation or server other
than the Linux server on which the scan repository resides.
1. From a command line, type ftp .
2. Login with the username and password created in “Create a New User Account.”
3. To list the contents of the FTP root directory, type dir.
Customer Service Page 3
4. To verify you have write access, type put . Your workstation sends
the specified file to the Linux scan repository.
5. To list the contents of the directory, type dir. The file you specified in step 4 is
6. To disconnect and exit the FTP program, type quit.
Configure the Xerox Device Using CentreWare Internet Services
Follow the steps in this section to configure the Xerox device to use the new scanning
repository created on the Linux FTP server.
1. Open your Web browser and enter the IP address of the Xerox device in the
address bar.
2. Select the [Properties] link/tab.
• WC Color 32/40, WC Pro 65/75/90, WC Pro 35/45/55, and DC 555/545/535 –
Expand Services, Network Scanning, and select File Repository Setup.
Select [Add] or [Edit] to configure the Default File Destination.
• DC 490/480/470/460 and DC 265/255/240 – Expand Services, Distribution
Templates, and select Repository Setup.
• DC 440/432/425/420, DC 340/332, and DC 230/220 – Expand Services,
Stored Templates, and select Repository Setup
3. Enter the following information:
• Protocol – TCP/IP
• IP address of the Linux FTP server
• A folder name in the Document Path field (leave this field blank if you’re
scanning to the root directory).
• The login name and password you created in "Create a New User Account."
4. Select [Apply]. Enter the Xerox device’s admin user ID and password.
Create a Scan Template Using CentreWare Internet Services
Access the Xerox device’s Web user interface. For the WC Pro devices, select the
Scan link/tab. For all DC devices, select the Services link/tab.
• WC Color 32/40, WC Pro 65/75/90, and WC Pro 35/45/55 – Select [New Template],
give your template a name, and select [Add].
• DC 555/545/535 – Select Scan: Distribution Templates, select [New Template],
enter your template a name, and select [Add].
• DC 490/480/470/460, DC 265/255/240 – Select Distribution Templates, select
[New], enter your template a name, and select [Apply].
• DC 440/432/425/420, DC 340/332, DC 230/220 – Select Stored Templates, select
[New], enter your template a name, select the File check box, and select [Apply].
Your Linux FTP server is now configured as a scan repository, and has a scan
template that points to the repository folder. Go to the Xerox device, update the
template list and scan a job.
NOTE: If you wish to use CentreWare Network Scanning Services to set up a scan
server on your Linux FTP server, use your documentation about CentreWare Network
Scanning Services installation for the instructions.
Page 4 Customer Service
Additional Information
Xerox Customer Service welcomes feedback on all documentation - send feedback via
e-mail to:
Other Tips about Xerox multifunction devices are available at the following URL:
XEROX ®, The Document Company ®, the digital X ®, and all Xerox product names are trademarks of
XEROX CORPORATION. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Copyright © XEROX CORPORATION 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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