Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Linux Bangalore/2003

December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2003
National Science Seminar Complex
(J.N.Tata Auditorium)
Indian Institute of Science
About Linux Bangalore
Linux Bangalore is India's premier annual Open Source event, and is the only one that is
driven by the Open Source community itself.
Held annually at Bangalore, India, in the month of December, Linux Bangalore offers
event participants a means of acquainting themselves with both the concepts of Open
Source, as well as the very latest in Open Source technologies and applications.
This year, the event will be held on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, at the prestigious National
Science Seminar Complex (J.N.Tata Auditorium), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
The event caters to both developers as well as users of Open Source products and
technologies, from entry to advanced levels, and features speakers from academia,
research as well as industry, and addresses audiences ranging from students,
professionals, corporates and government officials.
LB/2003 will feature talks, discussions and demonstrations by national and international
speakers that cover a diverse spectrum of Linux and OpenSource related technologies
ranging from Kernel-programming and Embedded systems to Desktop Environments,
Localisation Databases and Web Applications to Gaming and Multimedia, to community
and User Group Development. ( Please visit our website for a detailed talk-list ).
This year, Linux Bangalore/2003 also features the Open Source Expo, which, for the first
time, offers developers and vendors of Open Source technologies a platform to showcase
their technologies, products and services. The expo also helps the delegates to have a first
hand view into the latest in OpenSource technologies.
Linux Bangalore/2003 is sponsored by Hewlett Packard (HP) [Platinum Sponsor],
Novell [Gold Sponsor] and Exocore Consulting [Silver Sponsor]
LB/2003 has been endorsed by MAIT and the IPv6 Forum India.
What will happen there
Linux Bangalore/2003 will take place from December 2 to December 4, 2003, at the
J.N.Tata Auditorium at IISc in Bangalore, India.
The three days will offer around 90+ technical sessions and invited talks, divided in five
parallel tracks.
The talks will focus on Linux Kernel and systems software, as well as more generic Open
Source Software, the underlying software technologies, and the free software and Open
Source philosophy. Presentations should take about 45 minutes each (including
discussions, when applicable).
Linux Bangalore/2003 conference will feature talks about current and future Linux
technologies including software development and more generally about Open Source
The main areas of focus are: ( for latest updates )
• Embedded and Real-Time Systems and Devices
• System Development
• Web Development & Application Development
• Localisation and Internationalisation
• Desktop Computing and Applications
• Open Source in Multimedia
• Database Applications: RDBMS, ODBMS, ERP systems
• Network and System Security
• Grid and Cluster Computing
• E-governance Solutions & Open Source in Education
• Banking and Financial Applications
• Business impact and solutions
• Open Source in Defence and Space Applications
• Internet Service Provider Services
• Legal Issues: Privacy, Licensing and Copyrights
Topics of specific interests can be discussed during informal gatherings called Birds-ofa-
Feather (BoF) sessions. BoFs may be scheduled at the conference or in advance by
mailing the program committee.
The Technology Showcase
The technology showcase will consist of an exposition of Linux technologies and
products from the local industry. Various product lines and services that use/run on Linux
and OSS will be displayed.
Cultural Events
Linux Bangalore/2003 is all about having fun and understanding technology is fun
enough. Along with technology, the Linux Bangalore/2003 team has arranged for
entertainment on three days of the conference. All three days of the event will end with a
cultural program.
The programs arranged are mentioned below:
• Day 1 (Dec 2nd) : A private screening of the movie “Revolution OS”
• Day 2 (Dec 3rd) : Fusion music by the group “Laya-Tarang” *
• Day 3 (Dec 4th) : Performance by the rock band “Phenom”
All delegates to Linux Bangalore/2003 are invited to attend the cultural programs.
Note : There will NOT be any extra cost for attending the cultural events.
Speaker Profiles at LB/2003
The profiles of some of the speakers at LB/2003 is given below.
• Harald Welte - One of the five netfilter/iptables core team members, and the current
Linux 2.4.x firewalling maintainer. Also contributed to 'User Mode Linux' and the
international (crypto) kernel patch.
• Bdale Garbe - Bdale is a former Debian Project Leader, and as HP Linux CTO helps
to ensure Linux will work well on future HP systems. His background includes many
years of both UNIX internals and embedded systems work. He helped jump-start ports
of Debian GNU/Linux to 5 architectures other than i386.
• Jeremy Zawodny – A Technical Yahoo! at Yahoo Inc. A MySQL expert and
advocate and also the author and maintainer of the DBIx:DWIW Perl module.
• Miguel De Icaza - Co-Founder of Ximian. Also a lead developer on various GNOME
related projects such as Evolution, Mono and Gnumeric.
• Nat Friedman - Co-Founder and Vice-President of Product Development at Ximian
(which was recently acquired by Novell Inc ).
• Rasmus Lerdorf - Inventor of PHP and is also the author of the “PHP Pocket
• Atul Chitnis - A partner in Exocore Consulting, operating as a senior technology
consultant specialising in Corporate computing strategies, internetworking and data
communication. Atul is passionate about open source and is a key contributor to its
propagation in India.
• Gurunandan R. Bhat - Former Head, Department of Computer Science and
Technology, Goa University, Dr Bhat undertakes Linux training for educational
institutions. Also authored books and writes for technology magazines.
• Kishore Bhargava - A Linux advocate with lots of experience in implementation,
consulting and public seminars. Also a writer with some of the Tech publications.
• Naba Kumar - The founder, maintainer and lead developer of “Anjuta” - the versatile
Integrated Development Environment for C,C++ on GNU/Linux.
• Sirtaj Singh Kang - A KDE developer and the representative for KDE in Australia.
Sirtaj is a professional programmer and has a keen interest in the management and
operation of free software projects.
• Tarique Sani - Dr Tarique Sani is the CTO of SANIsoft. He has co-authored
"Professional PHP4" (WROX PRESS) and has been associated with several Open
Source PHP related projects.
• Gopi Garge - Gopi is a Senior Consultant at Exocore Consulting (P) Limited and a
Network Services Consultant to the ERNET, IISc. Core areas of expertise include
Enterprise Internetworking, Messaging Systems, Linux based enterprise solutions and
Systems Integration and Performance Tuning.
• Sudhakar Chandrasekhar (thaths) – slacker-at-large, geek volunteer, recently
returned from a year teaching in Kenya.
Please visit : for the detailed list of talks
Note : The final schedule for the talks will be put up, one week before the conference.
How to Register for LB/2003
You can register as a delegate for Linux Bangalore/2003, by visiting :
The exact URL for registration is :
Registration Charges
1. A gate fee of Rs. 300/- per head will be charged for people who pre-register online
and bring their correct registration code (i.e. the printout of the registration
card that you get to see when you register on-line).
2. A gate fee of Rs. 500/- per head will be charged for people who have not preregistered
on-line or who do not have a valid registration code with them.
Group Registrations
You can do group registrations for delegates from your organization. The steps involved
are -
• Delegates have to register online at and obtain their
“Delegate Code”.
• Mail their delegate-codes along with the participant names to
• You can make a single cheque/DD favouring the “Bangalore Linux Users Group”
and send it to
Jessica Prabhakar
Email :
Ph: +91-80-3440397/ +91-9845089200
Fax: +91-80-3341137
Have Fun at Linux Bangalore/2003 !!
The Linux Bangalore/2003 team.

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