Saturday, September 26, 2009

Online Advertising Fraud

The growth of the web-based online advertising industry has created many
new opportunities for lead generation, brand awareness, and electronic com-
merce for advertisers. In the online marketplace, page views, form submissions,
clicks, downloads, and purchases often result in money changing hands between
advertisers, ad networks, and web site publishers. Since these web-based ac-
tions have financial impact, criminals have also seeked to take advantage of new
opportunities to conduct fraud against these parties with the hopes of having
some money illegitimately change into their own hands. This chapter discusses
some of the many ways, including using crimeware 1, that fraudsters attempt
to leverage to defraud various parties involved in the online advertising market-
place. We also discuss countermeasures that ad networks have put in place to
mitigate such fraud.
1 History
We first provide, in this section, an abridged history of online advertising, as a
precursor to discussing online advertising fraud in later sections. This section is
not meant to be comprehensive, but does provide some high-level background
as to how online advertising via search engines emerged.
Since the commercialization of the world-wide web (WWW) in the mid-
1990’s, the marketplace has explored many alternatives to monetize online con-
tent and generate sales leads. During the early stages of commercialization,
many companies made online brochures about their products and services avail-
able. Some early web pages provided email addresses and phone numbers as
contact information, and others allowed users to fill out online forms to gather
information about customer’s needs and contact information as a means of lead
generation. These interactive product brochures were an early form of online
advertising and still are very prevalent among low-end web sites.
Companies also had to find robust ways of attracting users to their web sites
to begin with. In addition to adding URLs to offline information provided to
customers, companies would often add “.com” to their names during the Internet
boom that occurred from 1996 to 2001 to advertise their “destination” web sites.
To help users find information, products, and services to help satisfy their needs,
several directories (e.g., the Yahoo! directory) and keyword search engines (e.g.,
AltaVista) were developed to help direct users to destination sites. Companies
could request or pay to be listed in online directories, and could optimize their
web sites to show up prominently in search results provided by keyword search
Directories sought to monetize their services by displaying banner ads linked
to destination pages. Companies that offered such advertising opportunities
boasted that advertisements could be “targeted” more so than in other forms of
advertising. Such companies attempted to do targeting based on user behavior,
1For example, clickbots, as described in Section 4.2 are an example of crimeware that can
be used to conduct online advertising fraud.
and attempted to classify users into various categories. However, the target-
ing was not very successful because making inferences about which categories
visitors to a web site should be placed into was hard based on their browsing
behavior alone.
On the other hand, search services provide much easier methods of targeting;
when a user enters a keyword search term, the user is directly telling a search
engine what she is interested in, and the need to categorize users based on
browsing behavior becomes less necessary for successful targeting. In addition,
keyword search engines that displayed textual ads (as opposed to banner ads)
would not only provide a user experience that was more targeted, but was also
less intrusive to users. The combination of better targeting and better user
experience resulted in successful online advertising offerings via search engines.
2 Revenue Models
The display and accounting of ad revenue from an online advertising campaign
are generally done in one of three major categories:
• Cost per mille (CPM). The advertiser is charged per thousand impressions.
• Cost per click (CPC). The advertiser is charged per click.
• Cost per action (CPA). The advertiser is charged per (predetermined)
action (e.g., an online sale).
In this section, we describe each of the three models. We also discuss how
syndication and referral deals can be used to derive revenue from online adver-
tising activities.
2.1 Impression-Based
Advertisers often pay search engines or online magazines a fixed price for every
1000 banner ads that are displayed, termed as CPM, or cost per mille. When
an ad is displayed, an ad impression, or simply an impression is said to have
taken place. The term impression is also used to refer to the ad creative itself
that is displayed.
Charging and accounting by CPM is theoretically easy to implement, since
each web server log entry for a banner ad image represents one impression. In
practice, CPM advertising can be quite complicated, with various web servers
involved along the path of delivering a banner to an end user. In addition,
web page caching needs to be disabled via HTTP response headers, and HTTP
proxies need to abide by such headers. Finally, measuring the effectiveness and
results of a CPM-based advertising campaign can be hard due to a greater
emphasis on branding campaigns and offline sales, as well as due to impression
Impression spam results from HTTP requests for web pages that contain
ads, but that do not necessarily correspond to a user viewing the page. For
instance, a web page crawler or “scraping” program might issue an HTTP re-
quest for a web page that happens to contain ads. Such a request would need
to be distinguished from those requests issued by human users. Additionally,
an advertiser may not receive any feedback when ad impressions occur and may
need to completely trust the content provider or ad network’s impression data.
Nevertheless, even during the early commercialization of the Internet, the
marketplace immediately recognized that online advertising could improve ac-
countability and return on investment (ROI) over traditional, offline advertise-
ments such as on billboards or television. Each click on a banner ad indicates
that an online advertising campaign is driving traffic to an advertiser’s site. On-
line content providers and search engines provided advertisers with click-through
rates (CTR), which is the ratio of users’ clicks per ad impression. CTRs often
depend upon the “quality” of banner ads. In practice, CTRs for the early banner
ads were often low. Low CTRs could be partially attributed to poor targeting,
but may also have been due to technical factors, such as longer download times
for large banner ad images by users on dial-up lines.
In addition to low CTRs, another challenge faced by the online advertising
industry was advertising sales. It may have not been economical for a small
online magazine to hire a sales force to sell its banner ad space to advertisers.
This motivated the creation of advertising networks that could amortize the
cost and overhead of an advertising sales force across large numbers of small
web sites. Notably, in the late ’90s, DoubleClick arose as a top-tier banner
advertising network. Web sites would lease web page space to DoubleClick, and
DoubleClick would find and manage advertisers that paid for ad impressions
and clicks on those web pages.
Ad targeting has always been an important aspect of online advertising.
Higher CTRs were typically evidence that the topic of the ad was related to the
topic of the web page upon which the ad was placed. The marketplace realized
that advertisers would pay more not only based on placement of ads, but also
for better targeting.
In the year 2000, Google launched the AdWords CPM-based advertising
platform in which textual ads were targeted based upon the keywords for which a
user would search. Google initially formed contracts with advertisers to display
their ads on a CPM basis on the top of search results pages. In addition,
Google auctioned off the ad slots on the right-hand side of search results pages,
and eventually did the same for ads shown on the top of search results pages.
A market for charging advertisers based not on the number of ad impressions
shown, but on the number of times users clicked on ads emerged.
2.2 Click-Based
In 1998,, a startup that arose out of the idealabs business incubator,
developed a paid-for-placement search engine where advertisers bid to be the
top-placed ads next to search results. Advertisers would pay-per-click (PPC)
for their search result ads. The amount the advertiser pays per click is referred
to as their cost per click (CPC). In 2001, was renamed Overture, and
in 2003, was purchased by its largest customer, Yahoo.
In the year 2002, Google re-launched AdWords as a PPC platform. However,
Google not only took advertisers’ bids into account, but also took into account
an ad’s click through rate. In particular, advertising slots on Google’s search
results pages are not simply auctioned off to the highest bidder. Instead, an ad
slot is allocated to the advertiser whose bid times the predicted CTR of the ad
(as computed by the ad network) is highest. As a result, ad placement is not
simply dependent upon how much an advertiser was willing to pay, but also on
the “quality” of the ad, as determined by how often users clicked on the ad (in
addition to many other factors). In effect, each ad click from a user serves as
an implicit vote of the relevance of the ad to the user’s query. The result is that
not only do users receive more relevant ads, but Google increases revenue by
better targeting advertisements.
When advertisers pay-per-click, it is important that clicks deliver value and
ROI to the advertiser. Some clicks might be “invalid” or “fraudulent” and we
dedicate Sections 3 and 4 of this chapter to defining and discussing sources of
invalid and fraudulent clicks. Section 5 discusses high-level countermeasures to
deal with “click fraud.” Fraud exists in both the CPM and the CPC business
models; in the former, we speak of “impression fraud” while in the latter of
“click fraud.”
To complement PPC advertising on its search result pages, Google in 2003
launched AdSense, an online advertising product that allowed web publishers
to monetize their content by allowing Google to place ads on their web sites. To
ensure the ads are relevant to the user’s interest, the entire web page containing
the ad slots is analyzed by AdSense to determine a set of relevant topics, and ads
about those topics are inserted into the ad slots on the web page. Google pays
such publishers a revenue share of the CPC paid by the advertisers when the
ads are clicked. While the creation of AdSense helped publishers derive revenue
for the development of their content, it also introduced additional incentives for
fraudulent click activity which we will discuss in Section 3.
2.3 Action-Based
A more generic online advertising model is pay-per-action, in which the adver-
tiser pays a cost-per-action (CPA), where “action” can be defined as the user
arriving at a particular “landing” page on the advertiser’s site, or the user en-
gaging in a commercial transaction. Strictly speaking, CPC-based advertising
is just a special case of CPA in which the “action” is the user clicking on an
ad. However, when the term CPA is used, it typically refers to a more involved
action than simply clicking on an ad, and usually connotes that an advertiser is
paying based on a commercial transaction. Some suspect that CPA-based ad-
vertising might be less susceptible to click fraud, since fraudsters may need to
engage in commercial transactions in order to successfully defraud advertisers.
At the same time, if the commercial transaction is not very costly to induce,
CPA-based advertising may be just as susceptible to click fraud as CPC-based
From an advertiser’s standpoint, CPA-based advertising can be attractive
because advertisers are only billed for pre-defined user actions, such as if a user
makes a purchase or generates a sales lead. Advertisers only make payment to
an ad network once they have derived value from a click.
However, while CPA-based advertising can be well suited for commercial
sites, it has some drawbacks. Some advertisers may not have online commerce
web sites. For example, they may be advertising simply for brand-name recog-
nition to increase offline sales (e.g., typical car manufacturers). Also, an adver-
tiser’s web site might have usability issues, high latency, or simply suffer from
intermittent failures which may serve as barriers to users completing transac-
tions. Much of the risk involved in a CPA-based advertising model, then, falls
on the ad network.
It is also important to consider the affect of CPA on publishers. For every
impression displayed on a publisher’s page, a bet is being made on which ads will
generate the most revenue for that publisher. When choosing between CPM-
based advertisers, such a decision is simple– chose the impression that pays the
highest CPM. When incorporating CPC-based advertisers, the sustained CTR
of the advertiser is easy enough to determine with a relatively small amount of
data, and this helps come up with an eCPM (expected CPM) estimate. How-
ever, CPA advertising, especially for small advertisers, is difficult to translate
into a reliable eCPM. As a result, small CPA advertisers are often not well suited
for many publisher’s sites and have a harder time getting significant traffic from
their campaigns.
2.4 Syndication
Ad networks can increase their reach by syndicating the ads they deliver to
other destination sites, such as search engines and other web properties. In a
syndication deal, an ad network (that may be run by a search engine) provides
a data feed in which the syndicator receives URLs for ad impressions. The
syndicator earns a share of the CPC paid by the advertiser when the URLs
are clicked on. For example, a hypothetical search engine (
might run a PPC ad network. Another search engine that does
not have an ad network of its own might enter into a syndication relationship
with Whenever receives a query from a user,
in addition to providing its search results, it sends the query to
via a data feed, and receives ad impression URLs that are relevant to the query.
Then, displays the ad impression URLs on its results pages and
receives a share of the CPC the advertiser pays to when users
click on the ads.
In Figure 1, we conceptually depict the interactions between the ad network,
the syndicator, and the user. (To keep the conceptual depiction simple, note that
the arrows in the figure do not correpsond to HTTP requests between web sites,
but simply depict the flow of data and money.) Upon receiving a query from
the user, relays the query onto, and then relays
the ad impression URL received from to the user. If and when
$ = f * CPC
Ad Click
User Ad Network
Ad Impression URL
Ad Impression URL
Figure 1: Syndication
the user clicks on the ad impression URL, pays a
fraction (f) of the CPC paid by the advertiser. Note that, although not shown
in the figure, a click on an ad redirects the user to the advertiser’s web site (i.e.,
the click request is sent to the ad network and generates a redirect response).
2.5 Referral Deals
In a referral deal, a web site, A, pays another web site, R, for sending web traffic
to A. Web site R puts links to web site A on its web pages. In a CPC referral
deal, web site A pays web site R a referral fee every time that a user clicks on a
link on R’s web pages and arrives at web site A. To provide a simple example, a
web site called might pay a referral fee
every time that it displays a link to on a page, and
that link is clicked on by a user. Note that, in general, when a site R puts a link
to A on its site as part of a referral deal, the link does not necessarily need to
be an “ad,” but simply can be used to encourage visitors to site R to visit site
A thereafter. Reiter et. al. discuss how abuse can take place in referral deals
in [RAM98].
An important distinction between CPC referral deals and CPC advertising
deals lies in which party is responsible for accounting and payment. In a CPC
referral deal, website A typically is responsible for keeping track and paying for
the number of referrals sent to it by R. In the case that R is a search engine, and
A is an advertiser in a CPC ads deal, the search engine R is typically responsible
for keeping track of and charging for referrals are made to A.
Finally, in general, referral deals can be action-based instead of just click-
based. That is, A may pay R not just for clicks, but instead for page views or
sales made on A’s web site. Also, referral deals often involve less complexity
than advertising deals in which online auctions typically take place to determine
the web site to which a user may be referred.
3 Types of Spam
An online ad network can be abused in many ways, and we will describe a few
of them in this section. Each of the ad revenue models described in the previ-
ous section (impression-based, click-based, and action-based) can be subject to
corresponding types of spam. Respectively, we discuss impression spam, click
spam, and conversion spam in this section.
Fraud based on such abuse can result in reduced ROI for advertisers, al-
though there are many other reasons that advertiser ROI can suffer. For in-
stance, advertiser ROI can suffer due to low quality ads, high latency at the ad-
vertiser’s web site, improperly targeted keywords, non-competitive sale prices,
and many other factors. Nevertheless, fraud is one of many such variables
that can account for non-optimal advertiser ROI. In this section, we provide an
abridged taxonomy of different types of “spam” that may impact an online ad
Spam is an artifact that does not provide any value, utility, or benefit as
expected by one or more parties associated with the artifact. For instance,
an email is often considered spam when the recipient of it does not derive any
appreciable value, utility, or benefit from the email. In the following subsections,
we will also discuss click, impression, and conversion spam.
3.1 Impression Spam
We already mentioned impression spam in Section 2.1, and we briefly expand
upon the impact that it has on CPM-based advertising and CTR calculations
in this subsection.
Impression spam results from HTTP requests for web pages that a user
never sees or provide advertisers little or no value for their money. Impression
spam affects CPM-based advertising campaigns because advertisers should not
be charged for such HTTP requests.
Furthermore, impression spam affects click-through-rate (CTR) calculations,
as the denominator in the calculation is the number of page views. Since the
ranking of ads in an auction may depend upon CPC and CTR, manipulating
CTR can be of interest to a malicious advertiser as an indirect method to ma-
nipulate the outcome of the ad auction. In addition, click fraudsters may end
up increasing the CTRs of ads that they click on, and higher-than-normal CTRs
can serve as evidence of a click fraud attack. As such, click fraudsters may con-
duct impression spam to decrease CTR on ads that they click on in an attempt
to avoid detection.
Once HTTP requests that are deemed to be impression spam are filtered
out of a web server log, the number of total page views minus those that are
deemed to be impression spam should be used in CTR calculations as well as
for CPM counts.
3.2 Click Spam
Click spam is a type of spam which occurs when sources other than legitimate
users are making HTTP requests for ad impression URLs. Such HTTP requests
are often called “invalid clicks.” Invalid clicks are any clicks that an ad network
chooses not to charge for. When clicks are marked invalid, the user agent that
issued the click is still directed to an advertiser’s web site, but the advertiser is
simply not charged for the click.
A fraudulent click is one that was issued with malicious intent, and click
fraud is simply the practice of issuing fraudulent clicks. Since intent is only in
the mind of the person issuing the click or in the mind of the author of software
that issues clicks, it is impossible to know with 100 percent certainty that any
click is fraudulent. While the intent of a click is impossible to determine, there
are various signs or signals that indicate the intent of the click with varying
certainty. Clicks that are believed to be fraudulent are marked invalid, but it is
not necessarily the case that all fraudulent clicks will be detected and marked
When suspected fraudulent clicks are marked invalid, the user agent is still
redirected to the advertiser’s web site. Proceeding with the redirection offers
two benefits. Firstly, a fraudster does not receive any feedback as to whether or
not she has been detected as such. Secondly, if a suspected fraudulent click is,
in reality, a legitimate click (a false positive), then the user’s experience is not
negatively impacted, and may provide the opportunity for increased ROI for
the advertiser. That is, a user’s click may be marked invalid, and yet the user
may go on to purchase a product on the advertiser’s site! However, too many
false positives may decrease a publisher’s revenue, and hence an ad network
must do its best to minimize false positives to balance the trade-off involved
in providing high advertiser ROI while concurrently attracting and maintaining
quality relationships with publishers.
Note that, in many cases, invalid clicks are not necessarily fraudulent, and
may have nothing to do with malicious intent. Clicks may be marked invalid,
for instance, due to an ad network’s desire to improve advertiser ROI. Many
such clicks that are marked invalid are due to double clicks (e.g., a user that
clicks twice to open a link), crawlers that ignore robots.txt directives, and
other technical reasons.
Two sources of invalid clicks that do occur due to malicious intent are adver-
tiser competitor clicking, and publisher click inflation. In advertiser competitor
clicking, a malicious advertiser may click on a competitor’s ads. There are many
reasons that a malicious advertiser may engage in competitor clicking. One pos-
sible, simplistic intent is to drain the competitor’s advertising budget. Once the
competitor’s advertising budget has been drained, the malicious advertiser’s ads
may be exclusively shown to a user (assuming that there are no additional ad-
vertisers bidding for the same keywords). More generally, an advertiser may
want to decrease competition for a particular keyword. By fraudulently clicking
on other’s ads for that keyword, competitor’s derive less ROI, and expend their
budgets. In the short term, the auction becomes less competitive as competitors
become ineligible to participate due to reaching their daily budget limits. In
the long-term, due to the decreased ROI for such keywords, competitors may
reduce or stop spending, and CPC rates for the fraudster will be lower.
When the AdSense was introduced by Google, publisher click inflation be-
came an additional type of click fraud that needed to be mitigated. In publisher
click inflation, a publisher clicks on ads on her own site in the hopes of receiving
a revenue share of the CPC that the advertiser pays for ad clicks. The incentive
for fraud in publisher click inflation is a more financially direct one than in the
case of advertiser competitor clicking.
While we have briefly discussed some incentives for click fraud in this section,
we discuss click fraud countermeasures in Section 5.
3.3 Conversion Spam
A conversion occurs when an HTTP request is issued for an advertiser-defined
URL. For example, the request of the URL could signify a page view, submission
of a form, initiation of a file download, or the completion of an online sale.
Conversion spam occurs when HTTP requests are issued with the intent
of artificially producing conversions. Just as there is incentive for click spam
in CPM-based advertising to make it appear that ads are relevant via inflated
CTRs, there exists an incentive for conversion spam in CPC-based advertising
to make it appear that clicks are relevant. For instance, after clicking on an ad
and being redirected to an advertiser’s site, a click fraudster may download a
file (such as a trial version of a software package) from an advertiser’s site in an
attempt to simulate the behavior of a legitimate user.
CPA-based advertising is also susceptible to conversion spam, as fraudulent
publishers might like to derive a revenue share from artificially produced actions.
For example, if such a publisher gets paid a revenue share from a CPA-based
advertising campaign based on downloads of a trial software package, that pub-
lisher may initiate such downloads herself after fraudulently clicking on ads in
an attempt to derive revenue from the self-initiated downloads.
4 Forms of Attack
Click fraud can take on many different forms. Nevertheless, there are some
key technology and resource limitations on what vectors an attacker may try.
For example, someone with little time and low determination will only attempt
simple attacks from their home computer. On the other hand, a dedicated
fraudster with more time may write malware, infect machines worldwide, and
command the infected machines to click on ads. In this section, we describe
some representative forms of attack; we do not attempt to comprehensively
enumerate all known forms of attack, but we merely seek to give the reader
some familiarity with some common forms of attack seen “in the wild.”
The space of attacks against networks fall into two main categories: human,
where people manually click on ads, and robotic, in which traffic is generated
programmatically by software robots. We describe each of these categories of
attack in more detail below.
4.1 Human Clickers
Humans are harder to manage than automated software robots, and are funda-
mentally limited by the speed at which they can think and act. Nevertheless,
hiring humans to click on ads is a feasible vector by which to attack an ad
network in geographies in which human labor is particularly cheap. Even in
developed economies, humans can be coerced or leveraged to click on ads just
as they can be coerced into solving CAPTCHAs in exchange for the privilege of
viewing pornographic images [GRS05]. From an economic point of view, using
humans for click fraud purposes is viable as long as the cost of directly paying
or coercing a human to click on an ad is lower than the returns of clicking on
the ad.
For publishers that are paid a share of ad click revenue on their web site,
these costs can be quite low. For example, if it takes 10 seconds for a fraudster
to view a page and click on an ad with a return of $0.10 USD, a fraudster can
realize returns of $0.60 per minute, or up to USD $36 an hour for clicking on
ads. Thirty six dollars is a reasonable daily salary in many parts of the world
at the time of writing of this text. By reducing the incentives and slowing
fraudsters down to 1 cent every 20 seconds, a person can still make $1.80 an
hour, or approximately $2500/year, which is roughly the per-capita GDP in
some developing countries. Even accounting for connectivity costs (which can
be $10/month) and computer costs (cheap computers can run $300-$400), a
person can theoretically make a decent living being paid to defraud advertisers,
if countermeasures are not in place. (We discuss countermeasures in Section 5.)
Of course, constantly loading pages and clicking on ads can be rather tedious.
Given that cheap sources of Internet-connected labor exist, fraudsters have
generated several attacks that take advantage of humans. Such attacks all have
similar goals, but have different costs and degrees of implementation difficulty.
These human-intensive attacks can involve only one human or multiple humans
whose efforts can be coordinated. Multiple numbers of machines and/or IP
addresses can be taken advantage of. In addition, various means of acquiring
the machines and IP addresses can be used. However, before discussing such
targeted, manual attacks, we first discuss how publishers might encourage or
coerce legitimate users to unintentionally click on ads. Such ad clicks may or
may not be fraudulent, but neither the advertisers’ nor the users’ interests are
being respected. While much of the later sections in this chapter deals with the
technology used to conduct and contain click fraud, the next subsection deals
with the psychology of the user.
4.1.1 Coercion
Good website design is focused on helping a user accomplish a task, and is often
guided by interaction designers and usability engineers. For example, a web
storefront may be designed and implemented to help a user to find what she
is looking for and purchase it in an efficient fashion. A social networking site
may be designed to help users find and interact with others that have similar
interests. On the other hand, in an ad-centric website design, a web publisher
may attempt to design a site to “encourage” visitors to click on high CPC ads.
To ensure that high CPC ads will appear on her web site, a publisher can
replace or supplement regular web page content with collections of keywords for
which advertisers typically place high bids. This practice is sometimes called
“keyword stuffing.” The keywords can be hidden from the user by including
them in HTML tags that are not visibly displayed, or by rendering the keywords
in the same color as the background of the web page. In both cases the “stuffed”
keywords will be seen by the ad network when its automated agents crawl the
page to determine relevant ads to show, but not by a human user viewing the
web page.
To now encourage users to click on the high CPC ads, the publisher does
not include very many (if any) regular links to other web pages, and attempts
to make any regular links look like ads as well. A user who then wants to click a
link to go to another web page may inadvertently click on one of the high CPC
ads because it is not clear how to easily navigate to a more interesting web page.
Similarly, a publisher might modify ad text to something more relevant to coerce
users, while retaining the original advertiser URL (e.g., replacing “Click here
for Viagra” with “Free Ringtones”). Or, a publisher may go so far as to make
ads invisible to users and give them directions about actions to take (e.g. “hit
tab twice, then enter”) in order to force them to unknowingly click on ads.
Other devious publishers may host games, often written in Macromedia
Flash, on web pages such that the game is surrounded by ads. Part of the
game play may involve clicking and dragging the mouse, and by encircling the
game with ads, users tend to unintentionally click on ads, providing a near-term
benefit to the publisher.
At one extreme, a web publisher explicitly asks users to click on ads, for
example by including “call-to-action” text on a web site stating “please click on
the ads on this page.” At another extreme are websites that are intentionally
designed and engineered to coerce users to click on ads, even without an explicit
call-to-action. Regardless of the technique used, all of these schemes aim to
deceive users and provide poor user experience. Moreover, users often end up
at a site they had no intention of visiting and in such cases, deception leads to
low advertiser ROI.
4.1.2 Manual Clicking
A malicious user can generate a relatively large volume of traffic even over a
relatively short period of time. Even a person who is not very Internet savvy
can generate thousands of page views and hundreds of ad clicks over the course
of a day. For a website that earns revenue based on CPM or CPC ads, such
page views and ad clicks can translate to hundreds of dollars a day in revenue.
Moreover, an advertiser that wants to drain a competing advertiser’s budget
can potentially rob the competitor’s budget of hundreds of dollars a day if
appropriate countermeasures are not in place. On the other hand, such behavior
can be easily detected if the same user is returning to the same site again and
again. Such a manual clicking attack can be simple to execute, but can also
be relatively simple to detect. When such manual clicking attacks appear at
high volumes, fraudulent intent can be obvious as it is rare for a single user to
generate large amounts of targeted page view and ad click traffic during normal
browsing of the web.
To make such a manual clicking attack harder to trace and detect, some
fraudsters use HTTP proxies to obscure the source of their clicks. HTTP proxies
can anonymize traffic by acting as an intermediary between a user’s machine
and web site. Proxies can hide the source IP address, and strip identifying
information, such as cookies, from HTTP requests. HTTP proxy services are
often available for free or at nominal fees. Some attackers also set up a means
to systematically re-route traffic through a series of proxy machines to further
obscure the original source of HTTP requests. Anonymous routing systems
and distributed networks of machines such as Tor [DMS04] sometimes provide
a means for a fraudster to anonymize their traffic, although such systems can
also be used legitimately for anonymous web browsing. In addition to stripping
identifying information from HTTP requests, a given user’s traffic may become
hard to uniquely identify because that user’s traffic can be “mixed in” with
many other users’ requests arriving from an HTTP proxy. HTTP requests for
ad impression URLs (clicks) that emanate from such networks can be viewed as
suspicious by ad networks. One might argue that a legitimate user might want
to take advantage of such anonymization services, but at the same time if the
value to advertisers of clicks emanating from such services is dubious or traffic
from such a service is anomalous for other reasons, an ad network may decide
to mark such clicks as invalid.
An attacker can also explicitly coordinate groups of users to click on ads to
drain advertiser budgets or attempt click inflation. In one scenario, a click farm
firm can be hired to click on ads. Such a firm may be profitable in a third-world
or developing nation, and may hire employees to click on ads in its offices or
may coordinate contract workers that click on ads from cyber-cafes in different
Naturally, distributing such fraudulent ad clicks across many malicious users
and machines increases the burden on the detection systems of ad networks
by forcing a network to aggregate activity over a period of time and across
many IPs to find significant sources of fraudulent activity. Interestingly, activity
distributed as such can be difficult for a single advertiser to detect because
the activity lies “below the radar” for a given advertiser but can be detected
using aggregated traffic across multiple advertisers. Such distributed attacks
can take a significant amount of effort to coordinate and are indicative of fairly
determined fraudsters.
An interesting case study of a manual, distributed, click fraud attack oc-
curred on the Google search network in 2006 on clicks relating to the the key-
word kiyashinku (cashing credit or credit-cards in Japanese). Google’s Ad Traffic
Quality Team noticed an increase in query and click traffic on the keyword that
emanated from large numbers of seemingly legitimate users. It turns out that
an inflammatory blog post was found that incited readers to issue a search query
for the keyword on, and then click on the resulting ads in an effort
to drain the advertising budgets of Japanese credit card vendors.
The resulting traffic of the cashing attack looked very anomalous as there
was a sudden surge in interest in these high-value ads. Moreover, users were
clicking on the same ad dozens of times, or clicking on large numbers of ads
returned as a result of the query. In cases like these, though, user interest
quickly wanes and the attack is short-lived.
Humans looking to supplement their income can also be recruited directly to
click on ads by “pay-to-read” (PTR) and “pay-to-click” (PTC) websites. Such
sites accept membership registrations from users (usually other than publishers).
The “Pay-To” web site sends the users instructions on what sites to “read” or
click on in return for an extremely small share of revenues derived from such
activity. Such sites give explicit directions to users on web pages or in emails
about how to act in an attempt to ensure activity appears legitimate from these
sites. For example, instructions might specify to “stay on the website for at
least 30 seconds”, or “click on links that are interesting to you.”
However, users are often fundamentally uninterested in the content of these
sites, and are often more interested in the prospect of being paid for their
browsing and clicking. One can find some differences between programs paying
users to surf and programs paying users to click on ads, since surfing does not
guarantee ad clicks, but many of these sites seek to indirectly generate revenue
from CPM- and CPC-based advertising. PTR/PTC programs are also often
part of a pyramid scheme in which some “users” pay into the program to receive
better pay-outs. As with most pyramid schemes, most users rarely if ever receive
any significant payouts themselves.
An intriguing effect of many of these sites is that networks of “pay-to” sites
are often all linked to one another via ads. Effectively, users who visit pay-to
sites are likely to sign up on other pay-to sites. One pay-to-click website may
show advertisements on other pay-to-click sites in an attempt to attract other
like-minded users.
Despite the advantages of using humans to conduct click fraud and otherwise
generate invalid clicks, people can be hard to convince, hard to provide incentives
to, and can get bored or tired quickly. Moreover, a person paid to view pages
or click on ads can act in ways distinctly different from a user truly interested
in, say, purchasing a product. For instance, a real user tends to read, consider,
think, and surf a website because she wants to learn more about the product.
A paid user has few such interests. In addition, PTR and PTC users might be
less likely to conduct purchases or “convert” and the lack of conversions can
be visible to advertisers in the form of ROI. There are significant gray-areas in
what an ad network needs to consider fraudulent – bad behavior on one network
may be normal on another. At the end of the day, fraud needs to be defined by
what advertisers expect from services provided by an ad network and normal
user behavior.
4.2 Robotic Clicking
Fraudsters often give up any pretense of legitimacy in their click inflation efforts,
and resort to automated traffic generated by software robots, or “bots”. Bots
carry one major advantage over human users – they do what they are told,
over and over again, and they do it for free, without needing direct motivation.
Running a bot can require less coordination and avoids the pesky requirement
of finding and interacting with people.
Many software robots are written for legitimate purposes, such as scrap-
ing websites or crawling web links. Sites may place robot exclusion files (i.e.,
robots.txt) in specific directory trees to direct automated crawlers to avoid
scanning parts or all of a website. Advertising networks often use robots.txt
files to prevent robots from inadvertently crawling ads.
A malfunctioning or improperly configured bot may not abide by the robots.
txt directives and unintentionally click on ads. These bots are not intended to
be malicious, and make little effort to “cloak” themselves. They often announce
themselves as robots through their user-agent string or other fields in the head-
ers of their HTTP requests, making it easy to detect and account for inadvertent
In contrast, some bots are constructed for the sole purpose of clicking on ads.
These are referred to as “clickbots” [DStGCQT]. A clickbot is a software robot
that clicks on ads by issuing HTTP requests for advertiser web pages with the
intent to commit click fraud. Clickbots can be custom-built or purchased, and
can be manually installed by fraudsters or disseminated in a manner similar to
malware and worms.
If appropriate countermeasures are not in place, large clickbot networks
could potentially conduct significant amounts of fraud, even if each bot executes
just a few ad clicks per day. Moreover, the operational costs to run a botnet
could decrease over time, entailing even lower risk for attackers [JBB+07].
Unfortunately for clickbots, their predictability is a significant weakness.
Developing a bot that behaves like a human and cloaks its behavior is challeng-
ing. An ad network can use hundreds or thousands of signals that may indicate
if HTTP requests might have been generated by a machine instead of a human.
Despite this, robotic traffic sources are used by attackers to send invalid traffic
to advertisers. Building a robot to click on ads does require some skill as a
programmer and also requires significant insight into how one might write a
software bot to look and act like a human.
Some costs involved in using bots include authoring or purchasing bot soft-
ware, and obtaining a network of machines to run the bot software on. Of-
ten, these machines have been illicitly compromised and are rented for hire.
Current research indicates botnet rental fees run in the cents-per-bot-week
range [lan, JBB+07].
4.2.1 Custom-Built Bots
There are many tools available that may be used to develop custom-built bots.
Open-source utilities such as wget [Nik] and curl can, for instance, be used to
issue HTTP requests. Shell scripts can be written to invoke such programs in
an automated fashion as one form of attack. Libraries that help programmers
execute HTTP requests exist for many common programming languages such
as Python, Java, C/C++, and Perl. Some bots can also be written as Browser
Helper Objects (BHOs) to leverage existing functionality in web browsers to help
bot authors construct HTTP requests. These open-source utilities, application
libraries, and BHO-based methods often also support the use of HTTP proxies,
which can help mask the original source of an HTTP request. Such tools can
be used to build clients that conduct advertiser competitor clicking or publisher
click inflation attacks.
4.2.2 “For-Sale” Clickbots
After a bot is built, it can be sold on the open market. While there exist some
legitimate, testing-oriented applications of bots, they can just as easily be used
to conduct attempted click fraud. “For-sale” clickbots such as the Lote Clicking
Agent, I-Faker, FakeZilla, and Clickmaster can be purchased online. They typ-
ically use anonymous proxies to generate traffic with IP diversity. Fortunately,
IP diversity usually is not enough to hide click fraud attacks conducted by such
software, and traffic generated by them is identifiable.
4.2.3 “Malware-Type” Clickbots
Malware-type clickbots infect machines in order to achieve IP diversity, and
their traffic may or may not be as easily identifiable as that generated by for-
sale clickbots. Malware-type clickbots can receive instructions from a botmaster
server as to what ads to click, and how often and when to click them. Clickbot.A,
which is described in more depth in “The Anatomy Of Clickbot.A” by Daswani,
et. al. [DStGCQT] provides a detailed case study of such a clickbot investigated
by Google, and was published with the hope of helping the security community
build better defenses.
4.2.4 Forced Browser Clicks
“Forced browser clicks” is a technique that fraudsters can attempt to use to
turn a legitimate user’s browser into a clickbot. The technique takes advantage
of flaws in some implementations of AdSense-like programs that could be used
by a malicious publisher to conduct click inflation. In AdSense-like programs,
web publishers are provided with a “snippet” of HTML code that they place
on their web pages in locations that they would like ads to appear. The HTML
code often contains elements that render ads, and some implementations of the
HTML code can be vulnerable to a forced browser click attack. For instance,
if the HTML code simply contained an anchor element that makes up the ad
(i.e., ), a publisher could insert additional HTML code on its web page
that would instruct the browser to click on the anchor element without explicitly
being requested to do so by the user.
To implement dynamic ad slots securely, the ad slot code can take advantage
of the “same-origin” security feature [DKK07] implemented in most browsers to
prevent script from the publisher’s parts of the web page from clicking on the
ads. For instance, an HTML IFRAME tag accepts a SRC attribute whose value
can be set to an URL owned by the ad network. Using the IFRAME construct,
the browser will not allow script on other parts of the web page to access the
contents of the IFRAME if that content was not downloaded from the same-
origin as the IFRAME’s content. The origin is specified by the domain name,
port, and protocol in the URL. Google’s AdSense ad slots are implemented as
such to protect against fraudulent publishers, though not all ad networks are
equally protected.
However, it is worthwhile noting that even when an ad network uses a con-
struct such as the IFRAME from allowing other, untrusted parts of the web
page to interact with its ads, the ad network is relying on the browser and its
implementation of the same-origin security model to defend against publisher
click inflation. If a widely deployed browser had an implementation vulnerabil-
ity that allowed a publisher to circumvent the same-origin model, then the ad
network may be vulnerable to publisher click inflation.
The forced browser clicks technique was first described publicly in a research
paper on “Badvertisements” [GJR06], and Chapter ?? of this book is based on
that research paper. The interested reader is referred to that chapter for more
details on forced browser clicks.
5 Countermeasures
This section describes representative countermeasures that an ad network might
deploy to mitigate the click fraud risk to an online advertising business. State-
of-the-art click fraud mitigation takes advantage of “defense-in-depth.” [DKK07]
Many countermeasures and defenses are used, so that the probability of a suc-
cessful attack is reduced by each layer of countermeasures a fraudster must cir-
cumvent. We divide our discussion of click fraud countermeasures into methods
that are targeted at prevention, detection, and containment.
Before proceeding with our discussion of click fraud countermeasures geared
at prevention, detection, and containment, we note that the goal of such coun-
termeasures is to “raise the bar” of conducting a successful attack to the point
where the expense and effort of an attack outweighs the potential reward (mon-
etary or otherwise). As such, there is no claim that the countermeasures we
describe are perfect or eliminate click fraud in any absolute sense. Rather, the
goal of click fraud countermeasures is to greatly lower the risk of a successful at-
tack to advertisers, publishers, and online advertising networks, and to support
a profitable system for all parties involved (except, of course, the fraudsters).
It is also not sufficient to introduce only enough countermeasures to allow ad-
vertisers to profit from an online advertising ROI that is better than can be
achieved offline– minimizing click fraud further allows an ad network to benefit
from significantly higher CPCs and stronger profitability for itself, publishers,
and advertisers.
Finally, we remark that the countermeasures that we describe in the fol-
lowing subsections may not necessarily all be directly targeted at identifying
fraudulent clicks, but focus instead on identifying anomalous expected or ag-
gregate user behavior, browser behavior, or other inconsistencies that may be
indicative of click fraud. In some cases, clicks associated with such anomalies
are marked invalid, whether or not they can be directly linked to fraud.
5.1 Prevention
An old adage says “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” While it
might indeed be impossible to prevent someone from manually clicking on a sin-
gle ad, it is possible to take steps that can prevent larger-scale, more systematic
click fraud from occurring.
In the case of click fraud due to publisher click inflation, such fraud can be
prevented by exercising care with regard to which publishers might be allowed to
participate in an AdSense-like syndicated ads program. In addition, publishers
that are terminated for “low-quality” or fraudulent ad clicks sometimes try
to re-apply to be included in such programs. As such, it is important for an
ad network to uniquely identify publishers, and prevent publishers who have
already been terminated from re-joining. Many such publishers attempt to
sign up for participation with different, invalid, or fraudulent names, addresses,
and/or telephone numbers in an attempt to appear distinct from their previous,
blacklisted identity.
Ad networksmay look at many different characteristics of HTTP query, click,
and conversion traffic that might potentially indicate fraudulent click activity.
If fraudsters were aware of what characteristics ad networks look for, they may
be able to artificially construct HTTP request patterns that do not exhibit any
of the anomalous characteristics that the ad networks look for. While an ad
network can be quite open about what types of countermeasures and processes
it has in place (see [Tuz06] for an example), it is extremely important for ad
networks to maintain the confidentiality of these characteristics, or signals, that
may be indicative of fraudulent click behavior. Companies that run ad networks
must employ the best enterprise security practices available to protect these
signals, just as a company would protect trade secrets against both insider and
external attacks. Not only are such signals useful in identifying potential click
fraud attacks, but they can also be useful for marking low-value clicks as invalid,
thereby giving advertisers better ROI, and giving the ad network competitive
A more concrete preventative technique involves setting up a trust boundary
between a publisher’s web page content and the ad slots on the publisher’s
page, as discussed in Section 4.2.4 using an HTML IFRAME. An additional
example of a concrete, preventative technique would be for an ad network to
set a maximum CPC which can prevent a fraudster from making significant
amounts of money with just a few clicks. Fraudsters who then want to attempt
to make significant amounts of money are then forced to produce enough clicks
to result in statistically significant signals. However, since such preventative
techniques are not perfect, it is important to complement them with detection
and containment countermeasures.
5.2 Detection
The purpose of click fraud detection is to mark clicks invalid after they have
occurred, since much of the time they cannot be effectively prevented altogether.
Clicks may be marked as invalid both “online” and “offline.” When invalid clicks
are detected online, advertisers are not billed for them, whereas when they
are detected offline, advertisers are credited for the clicks. Online detection
is preferred, as an advertiser’s daily budget is not charged for invalid clicks,
and the advertiser does not lose the opportunity to have its ads continue to
participate in ad auctions that take place that day.
Online detection is not always possible. When invalid clicks are detected
offline, advertisers are credited for the clicks at a later time. However, the
advertiser may still incur the opportunity cost of not having his or her ads
compete in the ad auction for that day if the advertiser is budget-limited with
respect to the amount of click fraud. At the same time, some types of click
fraud can be more easily detected offline, such as an attack consisting of just a
few clicks per day that requires many days of traffic in aggregate to identify the
attack. Such attacks are harder to identify in an online fashion when they first
start occuring.
Click fraud detection methods usually seek to identify anomalies in streams
of click data. Different types of anomalies can be caught at different times
in the processing of clicks. Some anomalies can be apparent in a single click,
and such a click can be marked invalid by an online filter. Other types of
anomalies may only become apparent in looking at an aggregate set of clicks
over some time period. The decision as to whether or not a particular click
fraud detection filter should be implemented as an online or offline one is often
guided by exactly what anomalies need to be identified and the time period
that needs to be analyzed to identify a particular anomaly. After filters have
been applied and invalid clicks have been identified, additional actions may be
required. For instance, an AdSense publisher with a high percentage of invalid
clicks, or even just one that received potentially anomalous traffic that may or
may not be invalid may be inspected by an ad traffic quality investigator. In
certain cases, a relationship with a publisher may be automatically terminated
if unusual proportions of invalid clicks are attracted by the publisher’s web site.
As such, ad traffic quality investigators need to also be mindful of potential
sabotage that may occur in which a malicious publisher attempts to generate
a large number of invalid clicks on a competing publisher’s web site to make it
seem as if the competitor is attempting a click inflation attack.
Anomaly-based detection can sometimes suffer from data limitations. If
too little data is available for clicks associated with a particular advertiser or
publisher, it may be hard or impossible to make a determination as to whether
or not some clicks should be marked invalid. If there are too few clicks, the
damage due to a click fraud attack may be generally low, so long as the CPCs
involved in the attack are not too high. Such an attack can still be identified
by analyzing longer time periods or clustering clicks with similar properties. In
the case in which the clicks are for high CPC ads, the traffic can be scrutinized
even more.
In other cases, if there is too much click data associated with an advertiser or
publisher, it may be hard to identify potentially fraudulent clicks as they could
get “lost in the sea” of valid clicks. In such cases, the amount of monetary
damage due to click fraud may be relatively low compared to the aggregate
number of clicks. Nevertheless, identifying chunks of click data associated with
advertisers and publishers that are “just the right size” is an important aspect
of the problem. In particular, click data can be cut into finer chunks based on
various properties to reduce the possibility of fraudulent clicks getting lost in
the sea.
In addition to “passive” detection by identifying anomalies in streams of
click data, an ad network can conduct “active” detection by modifying the
interaction with the web browser and/or the user to generate additional data
that can be used to ascertain the validity of a click or a set of clicks. For
example, an ad network may decide to add extra Javascript variables in ad slot
code that runs computations on clients. Upon receiving ad clicks, the results
of such computations are sent back to the ad network, and the ad network can
check if the expected results may fit an expected distribution. While it may be
apparent to a fraudster that such computations are taking place, the expected
result distribution may not be quite as apparent. In such an example, the ad
network modifies the interaction with the user agent by requiring it to send
back some computation results that may serve as a signal as to the validity
of a set of clicks by legitimate users using a web browser (as opposed to, say,
a custom-programmed bot that does not support Javascript). While we use
Javascript-based computations as an example of an active detection technique,
we note that there are many technical details that we have not adequately
covered here for using such a technique to effectively serve as an active click
fraud detection signal.
5.3 Containment
Top-tier ad networks employ hundreds or thousands of passive and active signals
to help detect click fraud. Nevertheless, it is typically hard to ascertain the
validity of a click in any absolute sense, even with a plethora of such signals.
As such, prudent ad networks may take the stance that some attempted click
fraud may not be directly detected, and it is important to contain or manage
the potential monetary impact of such clicks to advertisers. In this subsection,
we briefly describe two representative click fraud containment measures: smart
pricing and manual reviews.
Due to the difficulty in ascertaining whether or not any given click is indeed
fraudulent or not, some ad networks charge an advertiser only a fraction of
the CPC for certain ad clicks. Google’s version of this feature is called smart
pricing. Based on various factors that can be indicative of advertisers’ ROI, such
as CTR and average CPC, the overall quality of click traffic can be assessed and
captured by a smart pricing multiplier.
A smart pricing multiplier can help an ad network contain undetected click
fraud attacks. Even though it may be hard to determine if any click in particular
is fraudulent, aggregate characteristics of click traffic may reveal that “some-
thing is fishy” and this “fishiness” is captured by a smart pricing multiplier,
sometimes also called a Click Cost Multiplier (CCM). It is important to note
that the benefits of smart pricing go well beyond containing the effect of any
undetected click fraud. For example, a smart pricing multiplier can also take
into account the effect of aggressive placement of ads on web pages in which
the ads are the most prominent feature on the web page. Even though CTRs
may be higher for such ads, conversions might be relatively lower, and a smart
pricing multiplier can protect advertisers from being charged the full CPC for
clicks that are less likely to convert. In addition, a smart pricing multiplier can
also be used to contain poor ad targeting or other forms of poor content quality.
Finally, in contrast to techniques we have discussed thus far that attempt to
make a binary decision about the quality of a click, smart pricing allows click
quality to be scored on a continuum.
Manual reviews of click traffic can also be an important part of an ad net-
work’s containment strategy. If some fraudulent clicks evade existing automated
detection mechanisms, they can be caught by highly trained engineers and op-
erations personnel that, over time, gain a keen sense of “smell” and intuition. In
some cases, manual review requests (either generated by internal processes or by
advertisers) could potentially result in identification of a new type of click fraud
attack. In such cases, engineering and operations personnel may often be able
to generalize the new pattern of attack and develop automated countermeasures
to detect similar attacks in the future.
Feedback from advertisers can also be valuable since such feedback can some-
times uncover undetected click fraud due to “holes” in detection systems. As
such, feedback from particular advertisers can be used to provide better ROI for
all advertisers and benefit the ad network. However, in practice, the majority
of inquiries by individual advertisers end up not uncovering undetected click
fraud, but instead uncover issues relating to non-optimal ad campaign man-
agement or advertiser site design. In a few cases, advertisers correctly identify
fraudulent clicks that have already been detected as invalid, and the advertiser
was not charged for it. In even fewer cases, advertisers actually do help uncover
undetected click fraud.
To provide some quantitative data, Google reports that less than 10 percent
of all clicks consistently are detected as “invalid.” [Off07] These clicks include
both fraudulent clicks and redundant or inadvertent clicks, and advertisers are
not charged for these invalid clicks. All these clicks are proactively detected as
invalid by Google. In contrast, all advertiser inquiries to Google lead to less than
0.02 percent additional clicks being reactively classified as invalid and credited
back to advertisers.
6 Click Fraud Auditing
Click fraud auditing is the process of examining the set of clickthroughs deliv-
ered to the advertiser’s site to determine which of the clicks, if any, may have
been fraudulent and/or issued with malicious intent. While an ad network may
examine such clickthroughs as part of its click fraud detection process, a com-
pany that serves as a trusted third-party (separate and distinct from the ad
network and the advertiser) can do such an examination as well.
An analogy between click fraud auditing and auditing of corporate finances
can be drawn. Once a company prepares its financial statements, including its
cash flow statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheet, an audit-
ing firm can verify these statements by analyzing the data and receipts used to
construct the statements. The auditor can, in many cases, request to see addi-
tional data, and the company and the auditor can work together to resolve any
discrepancies that are found to ensure that the company is correctly reporting
its financial health to the market.
In the case of a click fraud audit, an advertiser is interested in determining
if an ad network is correctly reporting the number of valid clicks for which
it is charging. The advertiser can hire a third-party organization to serve as
an auditor. The ad network and the auditor could work together to resolve
discrepancies between the number of valid and invalid clicks indicated by the
ad network’s click logs and an advertiser’s web logs. Click fraud audit reports,
when constructed correctly, have the potential to:
• provide value to advertisers by giving them confidence that they are “get-
ting what they are paying for,”
• allow click fraud auditors to serve as a trusted-third party who can help
arbitrate discrepancies, and
• help ad networks identify and fix limitations in their click fraud detection
and containment systems.
When done incorrectly, click fraud audit reports can provide misleading infor-
mation to advertisers and cause them to negatively impact their business by
altering advertising campaigns that would otherwise result in cost-effective con-
The process of click fraud auditing involves several challenges, including
maintaining the confidentiality of signals, overcoming data limitations, and
maintaining user privacy.
6.1 Confidentiality of Signals
As part of a click fraud audit, an ad network cannot disclose information about
exactly which clicks it is has charged for and which it has marked invalid because
that would leak information about its signals 2. After all, a malicious advertiser
could experiment with issuing a single or a small number of clicks on its own ads
each billing period to determine how many of those clicks are deemed valid. Each
set of clicks that the malicious advertiser issues could be targeted at testing a
hypothesis that the advertiser might have about a specific, surmised signal that
the ad network might be employing. If an advertiser repeats such experiments
many times, it may effectively “reverse engineer” an ad network’s signals, and
then use the information to conduct competitor click fraud, sell the information,
or issue a click inflation attack on a site for which it is also the publisher. As
such, an ad network cannot disclose exactly which clicks it marks valid or invalid
as such information could be used to create a “playbook” for attackers about
how to circumvent signals.
6.2 Data Limitations
While click fraud auditing companies are typically given information about the
set of clicks that arrive at the advertiser’s web site, they may be at a disad-
vantage as compared to ad networks with regards to being able to assess which
clicks should and should not be considered valid. Since ad networks cannot
disclose information about exactly which clicks they do and do not charge for,
a click fraud auditing company is left to take a guess about which clicks the
ad network may or may not have considered valid. A click fraud auditing com-
pany may attempt to make its own assessment about which clicks should and
should not be considered valid by looking for anomalies. For instance, if a click
is issued on the same ad by the same IP in an advertiser’s web log multiple
times, the click may look anomalous to a click fraud auditing company if the
only information they have is the advertiser’s web log. At the same time, an ad
network has information on clicks from extremely large numbers of advertisers,
and a click that may look anomalous in the small stream of data that a click
fraud auditor has from the advertiser may look completely normal in the ocean
of data that an ad network has from, say, hundreds of thousands of advertisers.
For instance, the multiple clicks on the same ad from the same IP in the pre-
vious example may be completely valid if that IP is a HTTP proxy for a large
ISP such as America Online or a mobile carrier. A large ad network benefits
from seeing click data from across the Internet, and may be able to do more
effective and accurate anomaly detection even compared to a click fraud auditor
that has several thousand advertisers as clients.
In addition to being able to use a much larger amount of click stream data
in which to look for anomalies, ad networks have web logs from search requests
that, when coupled and linked together with web logs containing ad clicks, can
effectively and accurately help identify signs of click fraud. All ad impression
URLs are generated in response to a query, and, in some cases, cookies are
served to users that receive these queries. However, neither the queries used to
2For transparency, however, Google does report to advertisers the number of invalid clicks
that it discards on a daily basis.
generate ad impression URLs nor the cookies will appear in the advertiser’s web
logs and hence will not be available to a click fraud auditor. Such query logs
are approximately two orders of magnitude greater in size than click logs, and
contain a wealth of information that can be mined for the purposes of identifying
fraudulent, anomalous clicks that can be marked invalid by an ad network.
Furthermore, in analyzing the click stream data that a click fraud auditor
might have from an advertiser’s web log, there are effects for which the auditor
may not be able to compensate on its own. For instance, after clicking on an ad
impression URL, the user is redirected to the advertiser’s site, and the HTTP
request corresponding to the advertiser’s “destination URL” will appear in the
advertiser’s web logs. If the user continues browsing the advertiser’s web site by
clicking links to other parts of the advertiser’s site, and then hits the browser’s
back button one or more times, another HTTP request may be made for the
advertiser’s destination URL to reload the page. Such HTTP requests may look
like repetitive ad clicks in the advertiser’s web logs, and may look anomalous to
a click fraud auditor. An ad network only charges for clicks and not subsequent
page reloads. The advertiser will only be charged for the click preceding the first
HTTP request for the advertiser’s destination URL. In fact, the page reloads do
not go through the ad network at all and involve only the user’s computer and
the advertiser’s site. However, an auditor may not have any way of knowing
which of the requests in the advertiser’s web log correspond to actual ad clicks
and which are due to page reload requests. The subsequent HTTP requests can
often be misinterpreted as a fraudulent click by a click fraud auditor, when in
reality it was simply due to the user navigating back to the destination URL
after exploring other parts of the advertiser’s site. Such clicks in click fraud
audit reports are called “fictitious clicks.”
To help remedy the problem of fictitious clicks, Google provides advertisers
a feature called “auto-tagging.” The auto-tagging feature appends a unique id
to the destination URL for each distinct click that has the potential of being
charged (i.e., both valid and invalid clicks) to the advertiser’s account. The
unique id allows click fraud auditing and analytics firms to distinguish unique
ad clicks from page reloads. Without this feature, it would be impossible to dis-
tinguish page reloads from new, distinct clicks on ads. Due to how commonly
users take advantage of such navigation features of web browsers, auto-tagging
is essential for proper click fraud auditing. At the time of writing this arti-
cle, Google is the only ad network providing this feature. More details about
fictitious clicks and auto-tagging are provided in [Fcl06].
The various limitations discussed above increase the chances of inaccurate
analysis and make it more challenging to do click fraud detection based on
advertiser-side data. Hence, advertisers should use care in adjusting their cam-
paigns based on such analysis. Decisions made based on inaccurate analysis
can adversely affect sales and can cause advertisers to manage campaigns in a
sub-optimal manner. For example, consider an advertiser of leather goods who
manages ad campaigns for shoes and handbags in which the advertiser uses two
ad creatives, one for shoes and one for handbags, each with separate destination
URLs. The advertiser’s web logs may indicate several page views for the shoes
destination URL which could be due to reloads caused by users that may have
done quite a bit of navigation through the advertiser’s site after clicking on the
shoes ad. The web logs may not indicate as many page views for the handbags
destination URL. An inaccurate analysis of these web logs might tell the ad-
vertiser that there is a high level of click-fraud on the shoes ads. However, the
page views corresponding to the advertiser’s destination URL may actually be
indicative of more user interest in shoes due to users’ conducting more research
about shoes on the advertiser’s web site. As a result, it may be worthwhile
for the advertiser to invest more in its shoes campaign instead of its handbags
campaign in the future. However, if an advertiser invests less in the shoes cam-
paign based on inaccurate analysis, it is unclear as to what the opportunity cost
might be; the advertiser might end up losing potential business for its shoes
by making a decision based on inaccurate analysis. Furthermore, the missed
opportunity on shoe sales could be far larger than any money lost on poten-
tially undetected click fraud. The advertiser is far better served by studying its
dollars per conversion rate for both the shoes and handbags campaigns.
It is important for advertisers to closely monitor ROI, and adjust ad cam-
paigns appropriately. Undetected click fraud can manifest itself as lower ROI
than expected (based, say, on past performance). At the same time, many other
factors such as non-optimal keyword or bidding choices, or a competitor having
better sale prices can also negatively impact ROI. Hence, while undetected click
fraud will lower ROI, lower ROI does not necessarily imply undetected click
fraud is occuring.
6.3 Privacy
One might suggest that if ad networks have more data than click fraud auditors,
then perhaps ad networks should share the data with auditors to allow them
to help verify the validity of clicks. Unfortunately, to protect the privacy of
its users, an ad network cannot share the large amount of data that would be
required to allow for such verification.
In addition to considering the number of valid and invalid clicks, it may also
be useful for click fraud auditing companies to consider auditing metrics such
as the number of dollars an advertiser pays per conversion. Since CPCs are
constantly changing due to a dynamic ad auction, and features such as smart
pricing are weighting CPCs, the expected number of clicks that an auditor
believes should be marked valid or invalid may not be as useful a metric as the
expected dollars that an advertiser should pay per conversion.
7 Economics of Click Fraud
As previously discussed, two common forms of click fraud are competitor clicking
and click inflation. Competitor clicking is punitive and intended to deplete
rivals’ marketing budgets. In comparison, click inflation is for-profit and allows
fraudulent publishers to collect a share of the click revenue generated by an ad
network. In both cases, ad networks have been criticized as being indifferent
to fraud. This is due to a misconception that ad networks suffer no economic
consequences from click fraud. In reality, ad networks have strong economic
incentives to minimize click fraud.
Ad networks need the trust of advertisers, and have the incentive to provide
advertisers with better ROI if they hope to have advertisers increase spending
with them in the long-term. Market competition is another key incentive for ad
networks to combat click fraud. There are many ad networks actively competing
for both advertisers and publishers. Both advertisers and publishers will choose
the ad network that offers the best return on investment. Ad networks that
offer lower click fraud rates will have a competitive advantage in the market.
Consider the case of competitor click fraud, which saps money directly from
advertisers’ budgets. Besides violating an advertiser’s trust in the ad network,
competitor click fraud directly reduces advertisers’ ROI. Advertisers victimized
by competitor click fraud will either reduce their bid prices or drop out of bidding
completely. As a result, there will be fewer participating advertisers. Those
advertisers that do participate will bid lower prices for potentially fraudulent
clicks which will result in lower competitive pressure in ad auctions, and, in
turn, lower profits for the ad network. Minimizing competitor click fraud is
in the ad networks’ interest, since it will maximize the bid prices that an ad
network receives and offer a higher ROI to advertisers who might otherwise use
a rival ad network.
The same applies to click inflation. Fraudulent publishers generating bogus
clicks on ads displayed on their own properties will reduce the ROI of advertis-
ers. In turn, advertisers will lower their bid prices, and as a result, legitimate
publishers will receive a smaller share of ad revenue for their valid clicks. These
publishers will choose the ad network that offers the best value for their legit-
imate clicks. Often, ad networks are also one of the largest publishers on the
network themselves. For instance, an ad network may run a keyword search
engine, and display ads next to search results. Click inflation in other parts of
the network will reduce the bid price that it would receive for clicks on their
own properties.
In a competitive environment, ad networks face pressure to reduce both
competitor clicks and click inflation. By reducing click fraud, ad networks will
improve the returns of advertisers and publishers, as well as their own returns.
More efficiently delivering relevant ads to legitimate users will benefit all parties
in the system – except the fraudsters.
8 Conclusion
This chapter has provided a summary of the current state of online advertising
fraud, including representative forms of attack and representative countermea-
sures. We discussed some of the challenges involved in click fraud auditing,
which, when done correctly, can even provide advertisers that receive high ROI
further confidence in online advertising. In addition, we have commented on the
economics of click fraud and the incentives that search engines have to catch as
many fraudulent clicks as possible to maximize advertiser ROI.
There is much art and science still being developed surrounding various as-
pects of mitigating online advertising fraud because the online advertising mar-
ket is in a state of expansion while working to support the needs of advertisers
and online commerce providers. Successful fraud management will provide com-
petitive advantage to ad networks, and help enable them to provide the highest
ROI possible to advertisers.
9 Acronyms
BHO Browser Helper Object
CCM Click Cost Multiplier
CPA Cost-Per-Action
CPC Cost-Per-Click
CPM Cost-Per-Mille (Impressions)
CTR Click-through Rate
eCPM Expected Cost-Per-Mille (Impressions)
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
PTR Pay-To-Read
PTC Pay-To-Click
PPC Pay-Per-Click
ROI Return-On-Investment
10 Acknowledgements
We thank the editors, Markus Jakobsson and Zulfikar Ramzan, for the opportu-
nity to contribute this chapter. The authors are grateful to Tom Dillon, Thomas
Duebendorfer, Carl Evankovich, Daniel Fogaras, Tri Le, and Razvan Surdulescu
for providing feedback that helped improve the quality of this chapter.
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